Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rain Forest Project

Up till 3 am doing this.
I got a 100%

It was a 3 person project. Carla did the power point, Sam did the brochure and I did the model.
This is mega late, but who cares? I haven't posted in ages!


See, I said I would switch to Tumblr but I haven't gone past the layot.
I'm bored and sick.
Thank goodness its thanks giving break



Saturday, October 17, 2009


So lately I have been thinking about switching my blog, to Tumblr.
Why? because it seems a lot cooler.
But there is a problem I am facing, whether or not to transfer all my old posts to tumblr or just keep them here.

I don't want to that. because the date would be different, its not really the same.

I don't know what to do? maybe a link???

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In memory of Humphrey

On July 27th, 2009 Humphrey the fish passed away after weeks of fighting an infection. I was extremely devistated he was the best fish.

Here are some photos of him.

Humphrey, on the first day I got him.

in his bowl...

isn't he pretty? :3

If I held up the food over his bowl he would jump up and eat it. It was so cute he'd sink to the bottom then shoot up.

Thats a gross photo of me VV

his other bowl (which he like better) and no the bowl is not dirty, the bowl is actually a biscotti cookie jar. The glue thing was left on the outside. I cleaned the inside of his bowl very well (:

R.I.P humphrey )-': This is his resting place...

On the other note I found my cable!! (-:


I don't know if I ever shared my playlist for when I'm during work or not.
but here it is, notice how most of it is Bossa Nova type. soo relaxin' (-:

songs I like

Monday, August 3, 2009

Heres an excuse

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
If I told you I lost my camera cable
what would you do?

I know sucky poem. But I really did lose it. So I don't know how I will upload the pics!!!

I wish cameras had a wireless cable.. thing that could send the photos straight to your computer!!

aghhh D:<

No excuses.

So I am not even gonna think up an excuse. The reason why I haven't updated in a while is because I basically didn't feel like it. Yes it did cross my mind that I should update.. but I ignored it. So lately I've been at my cousin's cousin's wedding.. Helping out and what not. I will post the photos soon.
Then yesterday I went to P.I and saw orphan, funny people and part of the ugly truth.
I'm still trying to get used to my hair. I got bangs after like a billion years...

I'll do the photo update soon. Its okay, you don't have to worry that i'll abandon this.. I'm in the blogging mood.

I tried making another blog using tumblr I'll give a link... later.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wacky Dreams

Sorry that lately none of my posts have photos :/
I mean I wish I could take a snapshot of my dream.. wouldn't that be awesome if you could like record your dreams, and watch them later?
then we wouldn't need to take time to make movies LOL

so i've been sleeping in lately
and the longer you sleep the weirder dreams you get
like the other day I had a dream I was vacationing in Japan
and my roomate was a femal sumo wrestler and Marie Digby was there as well
and it was just so convenient that the room was connected to guitar center :D hahaha

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wow What a load.

So yesterday Sarah slept over. She had this problem where she couldn't go to sleep so me and her stayed up till 5 then we fell asleep. She had a plan that if we went to the park the next day we'd be so tired that we'd fall asleep early.
And looking to see that its 8 am here I guess she was right xD LOL

so we decide to go to our neighborhood park and,well, lately its been raining a lot. So I guess thats why the soccer field was muddy. So in order to go to the park you have to cross the field. We had to jump over mud piles--like really really big piles
I lost a shoe, so I had to run back with a bare foot to get it. I got reaallly muddy, we both did, but me more..

Then its starts getting really windy, and we see lightening, Let me say this:It was bright and sunny when we left.

So me an Sarah decide to head back home. Its getting really windy, and the black lake looked creepy.

so we're walking back, and we hear like a rail raod thingy, and we're like whats that?
then we run home, and while we're running it started raining wind+rain=ouch!
so we're running home dodging lightening bolts-haha jk

but yeah once we got to the door of my house
we whipped out the key, except one problem, the door wouldn't open
we turned the key every possible way, left, right, etc. it felt like someone was pushing back on the door.
It was all weird was this the right key? It had to be since the we locked it. After a few minutes of trying, and crying, thinking we'd be stuck out here. We finally got it open and when we did it felt like someone opened it for us. That got us really scared since there was no one at home O.O

Yeah, but I'll post some footage later :3

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Once againnn!

I thought saying sorry once would be fine... but I guess I should live up to the apology! I'm sorry for repetitive hiatus from blogspot. I'm not gonna lie, first at school I had finals and stuff, now summer has just started :/

I'll try blogging more often, no seriously this time.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wow Talent can be in the most surprising places

Just Watch!

Embedding was disabled by request

so here is the link:

And then compare your thought before she sang with the result afterwards.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Weird Dream :x

So I had this weird dream last night, actually I had a series of weird dreams..... :0
Anyways, well this is how one of them went...
So we (Me, Santi, Spenser) were taking a test in Ms.Lasotas Class.
below is a picture I drew of how Ms. Lasota's class looks in dreamworld

(yes the walls are yellow)

the arrows pointing downwards are the entrance to another room which you will see in a bit
so me and Santi, are sitting there clueless, and we don't know any of the answers...and we're trying to find people to cheat off of, but nobody is letting us TT^TT so then we get up and go up to a random rack of clothes in the corner of the room & we start looking at price tags for the clothes. Then Spenser comes up and joins us looking at clothes, then Santi says something and Spenser responds "Zoya already told me" then I walk away to an empty desk meant for 2 people and begin doing my test while Santi and Spenser walk to spensers desk and Spenser starts doing Santi's test.

While I am at the empty desk I find myself eating a slice of pizza. I finish my test and I get up to throw away the pizza (the trash can is in the other room)
but I accidentally on purpose threw the slice of pizza all over my test, and all the sauce is all over my answers and what not.
There I meet Megan and then my test covered in Pizza Sauce magically becomes a balloon

Heres a photo of the other room


the balloon has this marble color on it of like beige and blue, apparently I had vomited on it... (LOL me and Santi were talking about vomit on friday xD) So I was laughing with Megan and I was so proud that my vomit had created suck beautiful art. Me and Megan were playing with the balloon and we go to a corner of the random stack of cardboard boxes, when all of a sudden Santi & Spenser walk in (Spenser has the right side of his hair tied up) and Spenser says "Woah! thats so cool" Then I reply saying "I made it out of throw up! :D" then he responds "Ew. you're gross"

.... yepp that was it...Then I drifted off into another dream that had to do with girls pulling my hair

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bright Eyes

aka: Conor Oberst's previous band before Desparcidos (sp?)

He not only is an amazing singer, but also a very talented song writer/poet, and thats a good thing since most of todays stars have someone behind the curtain write all their hits.


That Song is Called "First Day of My Life" Its one of his newer songs, Oh my gosh have you listened to the lyrics? They are out of this world, aside from that his voice is so pure and has so much emotion. This song was obviously a hit among his fans. I SWEAR IF A GUY SANG THIS TO ME I'D MARRY HIM IN A HEARTBEAT! *o* -swoons-

You really must check this guy out, especially if you like indie music, even if at first you don't like a song of his, you'll end up liking it somehow (whether it maybe from reading the lyrics and relating to them, or by it simply getting stuck in your head)


Monday, February 16, 2009

Post Valentine Day Blog

SO...... yeah I'm late. But HAPPY Belated VALENTINES DAY! :D

So on Friday (February 13)
I received a serenade in 1st period Japanese.
I was first frightened that it might have come from Raul, but when I saw that Valeria got one I remembered Megan telling me that morning that she had a surprise for me :D

Oh so... then in drawing class Ms. Levine was giving out a bunch of cards... so I took one
and gave it to some of my friends... I made sure that I wrote a lot.

During Math Class Santiago showed me the cards that he made for his friends (but NOT ME)
so I stole the most important special card that he made for Spenser, and refused to give it back to him until he made me a valentines card out of WHITE COPY PAPER and I made sure he copied how all the other cards looked like.

He was afraid to give Spenser the card so he made me run all the way to APHG as soon as the bell rang...
Dang I run fast, I found spenser and I handed him the card, making sure it was facing the back so he knew it was from Santi and not from me!

Spenser, seemed quite confused when he read it, but that was his problem.
Then I handed him a card.. (that I got from drawing class) & all it said was "Happy Valentines Day!"
and his response was "Thats it?"
;O so I took it back and decided to write a heart felt card, making sure it took up every single space of the card.

So after school I found Spenser and put the card in his bag.
Then later that evening I was texting him and I got a text from him saying "You like me, don't you"
That was super awkward
so I responded "As a friend"
there is nothing wrong with spenser, I would choose him over Raul (and other xxxxx guys) any day....
but, he's like a cool gay friend you can mess around with. He reminds me so much of my childhood bestie, Randy.
both are twerp like HAHAHAHA

"And its a leap of faith when you believe there is someone out there;
Its a leap of faith when you believe that someone cares
and when I call out to you, will you be right there?"

Friday, February 13, 2009


I've always felt as if I was the person, that would lend a shoulder for some one to cry on. I've always put my friends happiness before mine. But its different with me, apparently I'm all alone. I can't cry in front of anyone because I feel as if I should show like I am strong and simple, as if I don't develop feelings that everyone has. Well I'm human, I break easily.
Yeah, so I smile a lot and I'm happy most of the time, but haven't you ever heard that a smile is just a cover up. I've had crappy days, and I just smile. Maybe its just me, maybe I can't trust anyone with my true feelings. I feel like I have been taken for granted, and I'm sorry but I won't be used anymore. This is the end. I've missed my chance so many times before, thanks to you. And most likely I won't be getting them back. So whatever, All of you are on your own. I've had it, I hope that you struggle without me there, and if you don't then good for you. I won't be fixing your mistakes I've helped you out so many times before. I was always there for you.
I don't care anymore. Don't expect me to care.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You'​re dumbe​r than a can of rocks​

This is from a bulletin I posted up on myspace. I thought It would be a good Idea to put it up as a blog

"Serio​usly!​ I feel like takin​g a bunch​ of pebbl​es,​ paint​ing your face on each of them,​ and putti​ng them all in a can and kicki​ng it into the stree​t.​

You'​re makin​g a fool of yours​elf,​ stop follo​wing/​liste​ning to her like a dog.
UGHH!​!​ you make me so angry​,​ learn​ to live life by yours​elf.​ You won'​t alway​s have your frien​d(​s)​ with you.

You'​re a nice perso​n and all, but I feel that you shoul​d be indep​enden​t.​ You shoul​dn'​t be conne​cted to _​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​ so much.​ You'​re so dumb,​ who do you think​ you are?​!​?​!​ <--- that was unnec​essar​y.​ YOU FRUST​RATE ME!

I think​ you shoul​d learn​ a lesso​n,​ I won'​t teach​ it to you, but I think​ you will event​ually​ come acros​s it.
Gawsh​ If I wasn'​t inter​rupte​d by my mothe​r just now I would​ have said a lot more thing​s,​ but they just slipp​ed my mind.​

But yeah,​ you aren'​t speci​al whats​oever​,​,​,​you'​re norma​l just like all of us. You need to reali​ze this and snap back to reali​ty.​ Frien​ds come and go.

I know i am sound​ing like such b*​tch,​ but I am not sayin​g this to your face.​ I am just hopin​g you read this and learn​ somet​hing from it.
Would​ I not be a b*​tch if I said nothi​ng and just thoug​ht this?​
It would​ drive​ me crazy​,​ and there​ is a risk I might​ screa​m at you.
this bulle​tin is a way for me to vent, i guess​.​.​.​"

I know what I want to be when I grow up...

Ok. So today I was having a discussion with some people about what we want to do with our future...
So Christina was saying she wanted to be an engineer by choice...
and Avery said he wanted to be a Marine Biologist by choice...

I felt so embarrassed saying I wanted to be a musician/artist, but honestly I don't see myself in any other field.

My mom wants me to be in the medical field...

But..... I know that I can be successful in anything I set my mind to.

I think I can be a successful musician

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


These past days I've felt so..... angry?

No... I'm trying to love again...

Well anyways today was fun hmm.... in the morning I was with Danica and Erin walking around campus... then the usual. school

LOL then Ms. Pataytays class.... I was so hungry my stomach was growling really really loud.

YAY !! we had a sub for Lasota :"D but the sub looks like she had some major plastic surgery done to her face..
after that.

Hmm.... Oh yeah, then at HOPE I asked Anderson for a an AP book but he didn't have one. Hey that kid isn't as mean to me as he used to be, for the first time he actually spoke to me with a smile on his face. I remember on team builders in Ms. Lasota I had to talk to talk to him about myself... but it was so awkward neither of us were talking about ourselves... it was like 2 minutes of awkward silence...

ehhh... I hated that day...

hmmph... I didn't get time to eat my lunch because I was being such a good friend and walking with Valeria all over campus.

Oh yeah and that drawing I have ben working so hard on. Turned out to be crap once I used water colors on it.
Liz and Spenser were just being nice when they said it looked pretty.... LIARS !!

Then after school we were waiting for Megan and Santi.... but they were right around the corner.
So I took Santis Backpack and attempted to throw it in a tree but I failed, then Valeria came running to help me. So I was on her back and I tried putting the backpack on the branch but I failed to even pick it up.
So then Spenser comes running across the street and I totally spazz and scream trying to not let Spenser touch the bag, but then he said he wanted to help so i happily gave it to him. So Spenser spins the bag around and attempts to throw it up in the tree but instead throws it in the parking lot. Finally we got it up there, and we were happy :D

The 5 people I wish to meet in my heaven

These are people.... They aren't all my best friends or people I talk to a lot. These are just some people that I really wish to meet again.

1.) My first best friend. I'm sorry I got mad at you. I thought you left for California without telling me, turns out you were there for just vacation. I never ever saw you after that and I really want to.

2.) hehehe I have known you since forever. Yep you are more than a friend, more than a best friend, you're one of those friends that I know I will be friends with for the rest of my life. :D. You're like the only person I actually talk about my "crush" with, and you also think he is cute ;D I wish I could spend more time with you, especially since I've moved, I love you!! ( like family) :D

3.) hmmm.... well I haven't spoken to you in forever, and you pretty much get weirded out whenever I text you. But I still want you to know that I care about you, and I think you are amazing ! I still stop and think and wonder about how you are doing. I once ran into you over a year ago at Ikea, but I looked like crap, so I didn't want you to see me. Although, I don't think I will ever like you more than a friend. You're special because even though we rarely talk, and we haven't seen each other in over a year I don't think I'll ever forget you.

4.) YOU! YOU! YOU! It took me a while to think about you, but now I know its YOU! I remember in 4th grade we were pretty good friends, lol, You were so short. We both liked the same books and we both liked to draw :D and your sister and my cousin were friends... yeah. but after 5th grade you moved... :( I'm not so sure where, but I think maybe out of state. Well we never keep in touch, but there are times I want to know how you are....."has he grown yet?" "how are his drawings?" "has he changed?" "does he have a gf?! xD" LOL. well. I don't think I'll ever meet you again, if I do it would be like a miracle.

5.) I don't know exactly who you are. can't put my finger on it, but you've inspired me my whole life. You've steered me into the music direction. You're the reason why I've poured my heart into everything I do (art & music wise) You were that voice in the back of my head to tell me that I should keep going. The reason why I took so much time in to teaching myself everything. You're the reason I am becoming someone I want to become. You're making something out of me. I am making something of myself. I want to be inspired again. This is why I wish to meet you in my heaven, I think you've possibly created my heaven.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Phone !!

Yep... I got a new phone... yesterday :D wanna see it ? Go Here :D

Yep !! I'm happy with it so far.. and also a lot of my friends like it aswell.. it has a GREAT/AMAZING CAMERA !! :D

hmmmm.... but the browser isn't as good as the iphone...... well what do you expect?! its an 80 dollar phone (with the rebate)

Yeah. So I thought I just be doing a quick update for all of you.....

(dot dot dot)


white LG chocolate 1st edition...



I just realized that all of my phones so far have been LG phones... :D'

Lifes Good...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Build Me Up, Buttercup

so theres this song thats been stuck in my head!
yep title says it all.
Funny thing is, when I get a song stuck in my head I start screaming-singing it.. making me sound like a tone deaf toad. xD

here are some covers that I like of this song

Here is the original song:


Why do you build me up (Build me up)
Buttercup baby just to
let me down (Let me down)
And mess me around
And then worst of all (Worst of all)
You never call baby
When you say you will (Say you will)
But I love you still
I need you (I need you)
More than anyone darlin'
You know that I have from the start

So build me up (Build me up)
Don't break my heart
I'll be over at ten
You tell me time and again
But you're late
I wait around and then
I went to the door
I can't take any more
It's not you
You let me down again

Baby Baby
Try to find a little time
And I'll make you happy
I'll be home
I'll be waiting beside the phone
Waiting for you.

Why do you build me up....
To you I'm a toy
But I could be the boy
You adore
If you'd just let me know
Although you're untrue
I'm attracted to you
All the more
Why do I need you so Baby Baby.....

ooh ooh ooh
Why do build me up .....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Years Resolutions =]

I know this is quite late..
but you know what they say, "its better to be late, than really really late"

okay so here they are

2.) Build my Network of friends...
3.) Actually use my youtube account
4.) Not get kicked out of my school
5.) Master Drawing Skills
6.) Master the Guitar
7.) Master the Uke
8.) Master the Piano
9.) Make something of myself.
10.) start somewhat enjoying school
11.) be more outgoing, more sociable?

Thats all I got now..
be back with more
-Z to the O to the Y to the A !!!
thats mah namme, cheesebiscuit!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tomorrow is the last day of winter break )=

Im a whole different person without school!
goes back to those dreary days of me no talking...
but I am happier :D